Among the comprehensive actions of the Maternal and Child Care Program is the monitoring of adolescents and the tasks aimed at ensuring that women achieve a desired pregnancy, at the appropriate stages of their biological development

Camagüey, Cuba, April 18th.- The Maternal and Child Care Program in the municipality of Camagüey currently focuses its actions on solving the main difficulties that were detected during the year 2023.
One of the indicators that did not end up with the required results at the close of the previous calendar was teenage pregnancy.
To counteract this situation, intersectoral actions are already being carried out with the Municipal Directorate of Education and with mass organizations such as the Federation of Cuban Women.
They have the objective of reducing the problems that have affected the city of Camagüey in the last five years, reported Mailene Formentín Zayas, specialist in Comprehensive General Medicine in charge of the General Subdirectorate of Medical Assistance, in the Municipal Directorate of Public Health.
Instructional work with adolescents and young people, in which education for sexual and reproductive health is relevant, already reports positive results in the areas where it is put into practice.
In addition, it includes the interaction with the family nucleus due to the role that communication between its members plays in the correct progress of new generations, as well as in the prevention of pregnancies at an early age.
Among the comprehensive actions of the Maternal and Child Care Program is the monitoring of adolescents and the tasks aimed at ensuring that women achieve a desired pregnancy, at the appropriate stages of their biological development.
By Daylén Fenollar Alemán/Radio Camagüey