Workers and union leaders contribute to the cleaning of areas near the railways, to the beautification of workplaces and premises that host unions

Camagüey, Cuba, April 17th.- Food production and cane planting constitute essential tasks for the economic development of the Camagüey territory, which is why these activities motivate volunteer work days within the celebration of May 1st, World Labor Day Proletariat.
In the different municipalities of Camagüey, throughout the month of April, various actions are carried out to prepare the land, clean the beds and plant food.
During last weekend, for example, the actions focused on the planting of about eight hectares of sugarcane belonging to the UBPC El Vaquerito, located in the municipality of Florida, with the participation of representatives of all the unions.
Regarding these initiatives, Federico Hernández Hernández, first secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba in the province, said that they are an example of how to defend the Revolution.
Likewise, workers and union leaders contribute with the cleaning of areas near the railways, with the beautification of workplaces and premises that host unions.
In these concentrations, as Kelvin Culley Pérez, a member of the secretariat of the Provincial Committee of the Central Workers of Cuba, pointed out, the call to the celebrations for May 1st is read and workers who stand out in their work are recognized.