Preparation for the defense of the Homeland is another of the important tasks carried out by local combatants, which is complemented by the performance of popular and massive recreational shooting

Camagüey, Cuba, April 17th.- The Association of Combatants of the Cuban Revolution (ACRC) in the municipality commemorates from April 15, until April 19, the 63rd anniversary of the epic victory in Playa Girón and the declaration of socialist character of the process of building a new nation.
Men and women who participated in the historic feat -integrated into the units of the Rebel Army, the National Police and the militias-, which represented the first defeat of Yankee imperialism in America, receive recognition and tribute from political and mass organizations and institutions.
During the day, book presentations, talks and other tributes will be held, according to reserve colonel Juan Carlos Valiente Zaldívar, president of the ACRC branch in the province.
Among its actions, the Association develops patriotic activities in educational centers, among which it plays an active role with the José Martí Pioneers Organization and the Explorers Movement that promotes the student organization.
Preparation for the defense of the Homeland is another of the important tasks carried out by local combatants, which is complemented by the performance of popular and massive recreational shooting.
By Jorge Navarro Torres/Radio Camagüey