Distribution of family basket products checked in Camagüey


Issues related to water supply, solid waste collection and the operation of Creole food production points were evaluated in the municipality’s Temporary Working Group
Distribution of family basket products checked in Camagüey
Photo: Granma

Camagüey, Cuba, March 21th.- In this municipality, work is currently underway on the distribution of various basic basket products by the Retail Company with the support of other entities in the territory.

The Temporary Government Working Group followed up on this task, which includes sugar, coffee, chicken and other meat products for the month of February; and the rice, beans and salt of March.

Taking into account the situation with electricity, the delivery of these goods to the warehouses is carried out at night, which requires the support of commercial personnel and the population itself.

In the same way, potatoes are marketed by Acopio, with a schedule that foresees the popular councils Modelo-Imán, Vista Hermosa and La Esperanza immediately.

Other issues related to water supply, solid waste collection and the operation of Creole food production points were also evaluated in the Temporary Government Working Group in the capital of Camagüey.

By Rodolfo Medina Hechavarría/Radio Camagüey