During the day, the documentary Golpes de double click, by journalist Laura López Montoto, was screened, in which an intersectoral look at the topic is presented, from the different representations of femininities and with testimonies from some victims of gender violence through the networks

Camagüey, Cuba, Nov 30th.- Approaching a contemporary phenomenon such as gender cyber violence was the objective of the most recent exchange of the specialized Gender and Communication club of the Union of Journalists of Cuba in the province.
The specialists Gretel Díaz Montalvo and Legna María Caballero Pérez, from the newspapers Trabajadores and Adelante, respectively, presented concepts and examples of the different types of violence that manifest themselves on social networks, many of which are unrecognizable to the victims themselves.
Harassment through false profiles, identity theft, sex-tortion and other crimes related to gender violence motivated the exchange, in which the positive context that exists today to confront them in the country was highlighted by having laws that they typify it.
«Cyber violence to the end is cumbersome since it takes place at a level about which people still have to be educated”, said Caballero Pérez.
During the day, the documentary Golpes de double click, by journalist Laura López Montoto, was screened, in which an intersectoral look at the topic is presented, from the different representations of femininities and with testimonies from some victims of gender violence through the networks.
As part of the actions for the 16 days of activism for non-violence against women and girls, the specialized circle of Gender and Communication maintains the commitment to contribute from the press to advance towards a more just and equitable society, which any manifestation of violence or discrimination is banished.
Text and photo: Diosmel Galano Oliver/Radio Camagüey