The CTC in Camagüey calls for the search for peaceful solutions to avoid the worsening of problems and the loss of human lives

Camagüey, Cuba, Oct 27th.- The Camagüey labor movement repudiated this Friday the massacre committed by Israel against Palestine, in an act of support for that Arab people, victim of indiscriminate attacks that have claimed the lives of thousands of people.
Yulián León Rondón, member of the National Council of the Cuban Workers’ Union (CTC, Spanish Acronym) and general secretary of that organization in the province, expressed that each labor group in the territory supports peace and justice in the face of the violation of international rights that occur in the Middle East, and expressed the total disagreement of Cubans with the crimes that have occurred since October 14.
Also, the workers of Radio Cadena Agramonte, pioneers of the José Luis Tasende primary school, and professionals from other sectors of the capital city ratified the commitment to support justice and social equality, and the self-determination of all countries, which is honored the legacy of Commander in Chief Fidel Castro Ruz.
Yisel Lamela Fuentes, general secretary of the Municipal Committee of the CTC, expressed rejection of the expansionist policy of the Israeli government, as well as the deaths of civilians and innocent people, due to the conflict.
She also assured that the CTC in Camagüey calls for the search for peaceful solutions to avoid the worsening of the problems and the loss of human lives.
(Radio Cadena Agramonte)