The following groups of programs will compete: informative (radio documentaries, chronicles, testimonials and reports), dramatized (serials and unitary) and various

Camagüey, Cuba, Aug 24th.- This province will host the VIII Maceísta Scientific Event and Contest, which stimulates the creation of radio content capable of captivating audiences and increasing knowledge about historical events related to the Maceo-Grajales family.
The call for the meeting, which will take place on October 21st and 22nd, expresses the need to investigate and disseminate the legacy of those distinguished Cubans, paradigms of the heroism and dedication of the people of the Island in their permanent struggle.
On the first day, the colloquium Along the Maceo route will be held, in which the papers registered by the participants will be presented, once validated by the Organizing Committee and the jury created for that purpose; and in the same way, Communication strategies elaborated for the treatment of the subject may be shown.
The text, shared on Facebook by Pedro Cruz Moiset, deputy director of the Provincial Directorate of Radio in Camagüey, adds that the following groups of programs will compete: informative (radio documentaries, chronicles, testimonies and reports), dramatized (serials and unitary) and varied.
In all cases, elements linked to the life and work of the Maceo-Grajales family must be highlighted, only one work per contestant will be accepted and a single prize will be awarded for each category, and also to the best special for the web that reflects linked elements to the topic already detailed.
The proposals that are sent, before the coming September 30th, must have been broadcast or published, in the case of the Internet, between October 20th, 2022 and September 15th, 2023, and the works will be sent to the emails or
The VIII Maceísta Scientific Event and Contest will remember the 128th anniversary of the start of the invasion from East to West and will take place as part of the activities for the centenary of the first radio broadcasts in Camagüey.
(Radio Cadena Agramonte)