«We do not tell them believe, we tell them read», a vital sentence within the ideology of the historical leader of the Revolution, which along with other passages from his 90 years, can be known by the public that acquires his biography

Camagüey, Cuba, Aug 15th.- On the day of the 97th anniversary of his birth, local readers were able to access the book Fidel, by the journalist and researcher Katiuska Blanco Castiñeira, one of the proposals of the Old Friends Fair.
Presented by the writer Jorge Santos Caballero, in the biography of the Commander in Chief it is possible to appreciate the ethical concretion of his thought in the different stages of the struggle.
Santos Caballero said that every August 13th is a day of celebration «because Fidel will never be dead, he remains alive and as an eternal guide of the social and humanist process that is building the nation».
In what constituted the first presentation of the text in Camagüey, it served as a tribute to the Literary Crusade and the Old Friends Book Fair, events that concluded this Sunday after several days of promoting the exchange between readers and authors, in addition to exalting the validity of the brothers Sergio and Luis Saíz, victims of the Batista dictatorship.
«We do not tell them to believe, we tell them to read», a vital sentence within the ideology of the historical leader of the Revolution, which along with other passages from his 90 years, can be known by the public that acquires his biography.
By Diosmel Galano Oliver/Radio Camagüey