Breastfeeding transmits immunity and is a primary contribution to the correct growth and development of the child, after six months of life, when it becomes a complementary food it also provides nutrients necessary for the health of the little ones

Camagüey, Cuba, April 20th.- One of the indicators included in the Maternal and Child Care Program (PAMI) is exclusive breastfeeding, an aspect that is currently being sought to influence to increase popular awareness about its importance.
Regarding mortality in children under one year of age, during the closure of 2023, one of the factors detected as a causality in the municipality of Camagüey was the deficiencies of breastfeeding, declared Mailene Formentín Zayas, doctor specializing in Comprehensive General Medicine in charge of the general subdirectorate of Medical Assistance of the territory.
The food provided by the mother guarantees the quality of life of the children and must be exclusive until the sixth month of life. In addition, specialists assess whether women are suitable for breastfeeding from the preconception stage.
The actions of the Maternal and Child Care Program also include exchanges with families and the community to provide information about the advantages of this vital food source in the initial stage of people’s development.
Breastfeeding transmits immunity and is a primary contribution to the correct growth and development of the child. After six months of life, when it becomes a complementary food, it also provides nutrients necessary for the health of the little ones.
By Daylén Fenollar Alemán/Radio Camagüey