Until next April 4, the people of Camagüey will witness a whole array of talks, conversations, theoretical spaces, photographic exhibitions and shows to honor Reinaldo Echemendía Estrada

Camagüey, Cuba, April 2th.- The day of tribute for the 50 years of artistic life of the director of the Camagüey Folkloric Ballet, Reinaldo Echemendía Estrada, is already taking place in the princely town.
In the Golden Age Theater Hall, the celebration actions began with the panel The art of teaching, pedagogical imprint of Reinaldo Echemendía Estrada, a space first to recognize who for decades has been one of the greatest architects in the creative training of new generations.
Present at the exchange were the Maestro’s current pupils, former members of the company, groups from other regions of the country invited to the event, and the authorities of Culture and the Provincial Council of the Performing Arts of Camagüey.
The presentations of the different shows were inaugurated by the Ballet Folklorico de Oriente, a group that brought from Santiago de Cuba a proposal in line with the years of cultivating the Cuban identity and defending the musical and dance roots of the island.
At night, the public was able to enjoy a recital in the José Marín Varona Concert Hall by the Camagüey Folkloric Ballet, a company founded by Echemendía more than three decades ago.
Until next April 4 in Camagüey there will be a whole array of talks, conversations, theoretical spaces, photographic exhibitions and shows to honor Reinaldo Echemendía Estrada, who through his art has contributed for five decades to the enrichment of Cuban culture.
By Betzabe Cabreja Jeffers/Radio Camagüey