Currently, members of the CPA plant different plants around the southern beltway, mainly extra dense bananas and papaya
Camagüey, Cuba, Dec 22nd.- Starting in the second half of this year, the Roberto Rodríguez Fernández Agricultural Production Cooperative (CPA, Spanish Acronym), in the Camagüey capital, is going through a recovery process.
This CPA -one of the three of its kind that in Cuba is dedicated to buffalo breeding- already achieves stability in income, which has a positive impact on associates and associates, in addition to family members.
So far, the aforementioned productive base fulfills the commitment to commercialize milk, both fluid and in the form of cheese, according to its president, Norde Agüero Viamontes.
Roberto Rodríguez Fernández has several farmers incorporated into the city’s so-called green ring program, who strive every day to grow more, which will increase harvests.
Currently, members of the CPA plant different plants around the southern beltway, mainly extra dense banana and bomb fruit.
By Rodolfo Medina Hechavarría/Radio Camagüey