For the next stage, the main task continues to be food production, controlling production, ensuring its contracting and marketing and confronting price violations, to which is added the completion of 38 thousand tons of crude oil in the nearby sugar harvest
Camagüey, Cuba, Dec 12th.- The 65th anniversary of the triumph of the Cuban Revolution has to be an expression of work, of solving problems, of commitment to achieve new victories in 2024, stated the member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba (PCC, Spanish Acronym) and first secretary in Camagüey, Federico Hernández Hernández.
During the next calendar, the Revolution will remain firm and victorious, not without sacrifices, but with the conviction that difficulties can be faced with the participation of everyone and the maximum use of reserves in the organizational and productive order, stated the leader at the conclusion of the plenary session in greeting to the advent of January 1st.

Before Governor Jorge Enrique Sutil Sarabia, the top officials of political and mass organizations, companies and institutions of the territory, in his speech, broadcast live on the provincial Radio network, explained that in the face of the growing efforts of the United States government to destroy Socialist construction requires the study of national history and better political-ideological work.
He assured that the blockade constitutes the main obstacle to the implementation of the National Economic and Social Development Plan until 2030, and for the Sustainable Development Goals for 2030, to which is added the global crisis and more than 240 administration measures. American actions aimed at suffocating the Cuban people, who have had to “find collective solutions and with our own efforts”.
“2023 has been a difficult year, he commented, and recalled that the march of the Revolution since its beginnings has not had an easy path either, but it has been supported by the “daily heroics of our people and especially of the young people”, now from «the economic complexities with a direct impact on well-being due to the unstable supply of food and other essential products, high prices and notable effects on vital services».
Reviewing the year that was almost over, he listed the revival of productive centers and areas of agricultural development, the increase in chains and assortments in the food industry, the improvement of commerce and gastronomy, the strengthening of tourism and the recovery of hydraulic infrastructures, electro-energy and communications.
“Alternatives are implemented to seek solutions aimed at the sustainability of transportation, the work of industries is promoted and builders built important investments and works of social impact, some within the program for the 510th anniversary of the former town of Santa María del Puerto del Principe, to be held on February 2nd, 2024.
Progress is being made in strengthening the financial system with banking and the role of global bodies of the economy, and steps are beginning to be taken in municipal autonomy from territorial development strategies and local productive systems”, Hernández Hernández explained.
He also referred to the medals of the athletes won in international events, the work of the artists in the most remote places of the Camagüey geography, the performance of the Health and Education workers, in the midst of severe lack of resources, to transformation actions in the neighborhoods and attention to the most needy, as the very essence of the Revolution, without disregarding the invaluable student and scientific contribution of the universities.
He asserted that it is necessary to “rectify everything we are doing wrong, draw experiences from errors, put an end to justifications for non-compliance, seek greater solutions, firmly confront what has been done wrong, including trends and phenomena not compatible with the socialist social system”.
He confirmed that for the next stage the main task continues to be food production, controlling production, ensuring its contracting and marketing and confronting price violations, to which is added the completion of the 38 thousand tons of crude oil in the nearby harvest sugar factory, a matter of dignity and honor for the people of Camagüey.
He added among the priorities the functioning of the institutions and their respective missions, the efficient use of the budget, compliance with income and the housing program, all of this transversalized by science, technology and innovation, without ignoring savings.
He considered the role that the socialist state company must assume as the backbone of the economy; the fight against crime, indiscipline, illegalities and demonstrations of loss of values; together with the imperative of providing quality services as an expression of respect, sensitivity, humanism and love.
Everything expressed, he said, is included in the more than 60 actions of the province’s economic, social and environmental development strategy, whose progress was recently evaluated based on the accountability of the Provincial Bureau of the PCC to the country’s leadership.
Hernández Hernández announced that the provincial ceremony for the 65th anniversary of the triumph of the Revolution will be on December 26th in the municipality of Camagüey; while in the remaining territories it will take place on the 28th, an occasion in which the end-of-year fairs will also be held in the districts, and in the capital of Camagüey it will take place on Saturday the 30th, to which is added a broad plan of cultural activities, recreational, historical, productive and construction inaugurations.
Previously, Ana Iris Hidalgo Conde, member of the provincial secretariat of the Central Workers of Cuba, distinguished the role of the mass of workers in perfecting the economic and social model, and mentioned the contribution they make through productive mobilizations and performance. daily.
For his part, youth leader Heinier Lian Carvajo Baxter, expressed pride in the vanguard role that has always characterized the new generations, with multiple challenges today in a context of constant media bombardment and fake news about Cuba, but without giving up carrying forward the continuity of the revolutionary process in the island.
In the plenary session, the call to continue the collective contribution to continue the construction of socialism that began on that day that opened the year 1959 was transcended, with the permanent goal of achieving new triumphs in 2024 to be consistent with the legacy of history.
(Radio Cadena Agramonte)