In Camagüey, 14 compliance audits were carried out as part of the XV National Internal Control Verification, in which 84 auditors and supervisors, 32 university students and seven experts from various organizations participated to, as a prioritized topic, examine the implementation of the regulations for the Cuban business system

Camagüey, Cuba, Nov 29th.- The XV National Verification of Internal Control in the province showed the need for greater use of the measures approved to strengthen management in the Cuban state business system and that this translates into a favorable economic and technical-organizational.
In the conclusions of the exercise, which were attended by the member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba and first secretary in the province Federico Hernández Hernández and the governor Jorge Enrique Sutil Sarabia, it emerged that, although work has been done on the implementation of the regulations, are not complied with in half of the entities evaluated, with the consequent negative consequences in the processes.
Likewise, internal control was classified as deficient and bad in 64 percent of the units analyzed, an alleged criminal act and the existence of poor fuel management were determined, so the results of the Verification are classified as setback.
In statements to the press, Miguel Catalá Borges, provincial chief comptroller, explained that it is urgent to change work methods and styles in administrations and make greater use of the prerogatives designed to promote economic development.
He said that it is an immediate task to prepare the plan of measures in the entities in relation to the administrative responsibilities detected and those aimed at resolving the causes that led to the indicated deficiencies.
The strengthening of accounting, effective linkages with the non-state sector and the materialization of productive commitments, which are not fulfilled due to various factors, are also premises to take into account for better management in organizations.
Raise administrative demands, control and supervision, ensure established regulations, deepen the preparation and training of personnel, increase technological discipline and implement actions to combat crime, illegalities, indiscipline and corruption, they are invariable goals to transform irregularities.
In Camagüey, 14 compliance audits were carried out as part of the XV National Internal Control Verification, in which 84 auditors and supervisors, 32 university students and seven experts from various organizations participated to, as a prioritized topic, examine the implementation of the regulations for the Cuban business system, in addition to other aspects such as economic contracting, accounts payable and receivable, inventories, and the control and use of fuel and means of transportation.
Darlam Dalmau Palomino, deputy comptroller general of the Republic of Cuba, emphasized the preventive nature of these actions that contribute to perfecting ways of acting in the entities and correcting incorrect practices, while highlighting the importance of self-control and the application of the guide for it.
The favorable results in some of the Camagüey groups show the possibility of transforming the negative results in the Verification to advance the socioeconomic development of the nation.
(Radio Cadena Agramonte)