With the purpose of improving environmental conditions, in the Jaronú area, actions are undertaken in the waste system and the oxidation lagoon for treatment, so that these work objects also benefit the development of the Cayo Cruz tourist center

Camagüey, Cuba, Nov 3rd.- The hydraulic investment plan in Camagüey advances to 98 percent compliance with the execution of 297 million pesos that have also made possible the rehabilitation of works affected by the intense rains of June.
Betsy Rodríguez Cardoso, Director of Investments of the Provincial Delegation of the National Institute of Hydraulic Resources (INRH, Spanish Acronym), explained to the Cuban News Agency that it is currently a priority for the province to complete, in accordance with the availability of fuel, the pumping station of the Máximo dam where three engines are already operating and the incorporation of the other four is planned.
In that same reservoir, work is also being done on the completion of the second pipeline that will allow the water to be evacuated to the Water Treatment Plant in this city.
It constitutes another effort of the workers in the sector, she added, to advance in the 17 kilometers of the parallel conductor of the Cuban- Bulgarian Friendship Dam, where it is intended to finish four kilometers to soon put into operation all the engines of the main reservoirs that ensure supply to the city of Camagüey.
In this way, the pumping of 1,800 liters of water per second would be achieved and, in the future, promote the network expansion program to satisfy the demands in those settlements that today do not use the necessary liquid through the aqueduct system and achieve a greater stability in the service, highlighted Rodríguez Cardoso.
Based on the importance of access to water through the networks for the inhabitants of the town of Santa Lucía, in the municipality of Nuevitas, she said that it is intended to begin to give a use value to the 20 kilometers of conduit. which are already installed for which some technological assemblies have been completed.
Currently, she said that work is being done on the waterproofing of the supported tank and the rehabilitation of the elevated one, which will favor a greater load for the delivery of the vital resource to that population.
With the purpose of improving environmental conditions, in the Jaronú area, a heritage site founded more than 100 years ago, actions are also undertaken in the waste system and the oxidation lagoon for treatment, so that these work objects also benefit the development of the tourist center of Cayo Cruz.
To continue these investments, she stated that although there are fuel and cement limitations, the necessary pipes are available and it is expected to manufacture special parts at the Ciegoplast Company to replace the delivery conduit, due to the deterioration of the metal plates, whose useful period life is estimated between six and eight months.