In the debate, attention was paid to the Maternal and Child Program, the anti-vector campaign, the hygienic-epidemiological situation and other issues that today show unfavorable indicators in the province

Camagüey, Cuba, October 21th.- With recognition of the daily performance of health workers in difficult times, the Second Provincial Conference of that Union that welcomes more than 27 thousand Camagüey members took place in Camagüey.
At the meeting, the Graduate in Nursing María Amelia Denis Martínez, direct delegate to the national event next December, assured that it is important to preserve the human sensitivity that characterizes the white coat army, prepare the new generations, especially the reserves and improve working conditions.
The deputy to the National Assembly of People’s Power Aylin Nordelo Valdivia, head of the Research and Development department of the Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology of Camagüey, expressed that the Cuban health system is the protagonist of every scientific achievement.
She also mentioned the importance of strengthening the link between the administration and the union, as well as the support of all sectors of society to face the limitations caused by the US blockade.
At the meeting, Dr. Santiago Badía González, general secretary of that union at the country level, said that of the 15 planned conferences, nine have been held in the nation and in these meetings several concerns are answered, including the lack of uniforms, the need for housing, day care centers for mothers, among others.
He added that it is necessary to establish priorities to achieve the results that the people demand, including the quality of services, the functioning of the organization, comprehensive care and actions to enhance scientific development.
Dr. Manuel Rivero Avella, national director of Medical Care, shared some of the measures outlined to address the main demands of professionals, which include multiple employment, the training of professionals and the role of the university.
In the debate, attention was paid to the Maternal and Child Program, the anti-vector campaign, the hygienic-epidemiological situation and other issues that today show unfavorable indicators in the province.
The union’s concerns also stood out regarding the exodus of professionals abroad and to the private sector, the lack of resources, salary payment, and Milagros Margarita Guerra Cruz was confirmed in the position of general secretary of the Health Workers Union in Camagüey.
(Radio Cadena Agramonte)