Gerardo Hernández urged to nourish the CDR in Camagüey with youth


Iska Torres Creach, provincial coordinator of the CDRs (Committee for the Defense of the Revolution, Spanish Acronym) reported that they carried out an assessment of compliance with attention to social problems, the promotion of prevention work, the strengthening of popular revolutionary vigilance and the increase in work with children, adolescents and young
Gerardo Hernández urged to nourish the CDR in Camagüey with youth

Camagüey, Cuba, Aug 12th.- Gerardo Hernández Nordelo, Hero of the Republic of Cuba and national coordinator of the Committees for the Defense of the Revolution (CDR), called on the Camagüey cederistas to redouble the vigilance in the neighborhoods and to nurture the organization of youth.

During the Provincial Assembly that was held as part of the process prior to the X Congress of the largest mass organization in the country, the also member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba (PCC) and of the Council of State recalled Commander in Chief Fidel Castro as founder of the CDR and as an accurate guide to achieve a better future, due to the veracity and topicality of his thinking.

Revolutionary vigilance is an essential task that defines the organization, and without giving exact recipes, because each territory has its characteristics, in places where it is done well the results are positive, and the communities support to avoid criminal acts, Hernández Nordelo specified.

Referring to the Mirando al Mar detachments, he said, he was proud of these brave men and women for the work they do, which translates into protecting the Cuban family.

The members of these twelve groups in the territory of Camagüey also fulfill missions related to the protection of fishing bases and settlements, as well as the development of the Life Task (State Plan to confront climate change).

Federico Hernández Hernández, first secretary of the PCC in the province of Camagüey, urged in the meeting, the unity of the neighborhood and the commitment of those present to perfect the work through the completion of the personnel, carry out actions to motivate young people and stimulate to productive movements to help communities.

At the meeting, the health system was recognized that even with the deficit of bags, they managed to donate blood as a sign of humanism, with the municipality of Camagüey and prominent ones, Florida, Vertientes and Nuevitas being the vanguard.

As part of the food production program, a national security task, it was learned in the Assembly that there are 75,383 patios and plots belonging to the Cultiva tu Pedacito movement in the demarcation.

Iska Torres Creach, provincial coordinator of the CDRs, reported that they carried out an assessment of compliance with attention to social problems, the promotion of prevention work, the strengthening of popular revolutionary vigilance and the increase in work with children, adolescents and young.

In this sense, she highlighted the exchanges with families whose members have behavioral problems and members of Tarea Victoria (a care program for children of people who are serving prison sentences), in addition to visiting the Homes for children without family protection.

The young Enrique Oñoz Cardoso, delegate to the CDR Congress, and resident in zone 21 of the Centro popular council of this city, expressed pride because in the organization he has been selected for four consecutive years as National Vanguard, and thanked the work of projects like Golpe a Golpe and Cine Mirando al Barrio, which help revive the community.

The epidemiological situation, support for the Maternal and Child Program and the planting of medicinal plants were other topics for analysis at the meeting.

The Ministry of the Interior, the Provincial Blood Bank, and the provincial delegation of the National Institute of Sports, Physical Education and Recreation received laurels for their unconditional support for all CDR tasks.

In the emulation that brings together the 10,769 existing CDRs in Camagüey, the municipalities of Sierra de Cubitas and Sibanicú were selected Vanguards, while Vertientes reached the status of Outstanding.

The Assembly passed with great enthusiasm, making clear about the responsibility and commitment required by the task of combining all the effort and will.