Today the Reading History day continues with conversations and literary presentations in cultural centers and educational institutions in the Ciudad de los Tinajones and several municipalities in Camagüey
Camagüey, Cuba, Dec 15th.- At the La Comarca Literary Café, the Reading History day continued with the conference The 90th Anniversary of Renacimiento magazine. The counterhemonic thought of the Camagüeyan woman, taught by the doctor of sciences Kezia Zabrina Henry Knight.
The researcher referred to local women who printed their thoughts in publications from the first half of the 20th century such as Minerva, Lis and the Revista de la Asociación Femenina de Camagüey, women who were determined to overcome the designs that the time imposed due to their sex.
The space became an exchange about the evolution of Feminism in Cuba and the current paths it takes, referring to the fact that the multiple currents that make up it had specific struggles in each era.
The book Magazine of the Camagüey Women’s Association and its speech on women and feminism, by Damaris Hernández Marí, published by Editorial Ácana in 2021, was presented there.
On the second date of the literary and thought event, the text Families: of rights and justice, from the publishing house of the University of Camagüey Ignacio Agramonte Loynaz, was presented at the House of Cultural Diversity.

The result of the link between the house of higher education and the Provincial Directorate of Justice, it is the first book in the country that systematizes the changes originated in the current Family Code.
Part of the group of authors, coordinated by the jurists Jetzabel Montejo Rivero and Yolaidis Rodríguez Cobas, referred to new aspects in the norm such as the right to the development of free personality in family relationships, filiation recognition, solidarity gestation and the new institutions for the care and protection of people with intellectual disabilities.
Today the Reading History day continues with conversations and literary presentations in cultural centers and educational institutions in the Ciudad de los Tinajones and several municipalities in Camagüey.
Text and photo: Diosmel Galano Oliver/Radio Camagüey