Present at the meeting on the Cuban side were Doctor of Science Santiago Lajes Choy, rector of the UC; and the doctor of sciences Rafael Esteban Bello Pérez, director of the Computer Research Center of the Universidad Central Marta Abreu, among others

Camagüey, Cuba, October 14th.- New opportunities for collaboration were identified this Friday between the University of Camagüey (UC) and the Computer Institute of the Hebei University of International Studies (UEIH), of the People’s Republic of China, during the visit of a delegation from the Cuban Ministry of Higher Education to that foreign center.
«At this Institute we identified three projects with which the UC will be able to cooperate, related to the prediction of school dropouts, image analysis and pattern recognition, and intelligent pest prediction, through precision agriculture», explained the doctor of science Yailé Caballero Mota, director of International Relations of the Camagüey campus.
«We exchanged directly with the coordinators and researchers of these projects and we came to the conclusion that the techniques they use are the same as ours, which is why they showed interest in our theoretical research and scientific articles that may have application in the Institute of Computing and the link with companies”, added Caballero Mota, member of the World Academy of Sciences.
The UEIH Computing Institute was founded in 2004 and has an enrollment of 2,951 students and a faculty of 125 professors in the careers of Software Engineering, Internet Engineering, Internet of Things, Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, Chain of Block, Technology and Computing.
They also have links with 52 of the top 500 companies in the world and which are also among the 100 best in China, including Huawei, world leader in Information and Communication technology infrastructures; and UNICOM, second cell phone operator in that nation.
In addition to identifying joint cooperation projects, both parties developed a schedule to continue with actions that strengthen collaboration ties with the 16 institutes of that Chinese university, dedicated to areas of knowledge such as Education, Finance, Smart Construction, International Business, Communication, Tourism and Art.
Along with Caballero Mota, the Cuban doctor of sciences Santiago Lajes Choy, rector of the UC, was present at the meeting on the Cuban side; Doctor of Science Rafael Esteban Bello Pérez, director of the Computer Research Center of the Universidad Central Marta Abreu de Las Villas; and from that institution itself, the doctor of science María Matilde García Lorenzo, director of Science, Technology and Innovation.
(Alexei Nápoles González/UC Journalist)