Several of the activities related to the issue of race are carried out in communion between both institutions

Camagüey, Cuba, Oct 10th.- Raciality studies in the municipality of Camagüey comprise an important element for the implementation of the National Program for the Advancement of Women in the territory.
The president of the Aponte Commission in the Union of Writers and Artists (UNEAC, Spanish Acronym), Camagüey branch, points out that the work they do covers the treatment of Cuban identity and also includes the role of women.
Furthermore, as vice president of the Nicolás Guillén Foundation in the province, she highlights that several of the activities related to the issue of race are carried out in communion between both institutions.
Spaces such as the Peña Raíz Africana, which takes place on the third Saturday of each month, dedicate their meetings to the Haitian component due to the great presence of this Caribbean nation in the formation of the idiosyncrasy of the province of Camagüey and the main municipality.
The issue of race is one of the sections that is the responsibility of the specialists in charge of promoting the National Program for the Advancement of Women in this half-millennial city due to the role it plays in the analysis for the social and personal development of women in different areas.
By Daylén Fenollar Alemán/Radio Camagüey