Local Development Projects grow in Camagüey


The Department of Economic Planning in the demarcation specified that these plans respond to the main lines of the Territorial Improvement Strategy and the different programs
Local Development Projects grow in Camagüey

Camagüey, Cuba, Aug 29th.- A total of 31 local development projects have been approved so far by the Municipal Administration Council of Camagüey.

Of these, 12 are related to the production and marketing of food, six to gastronomic and recreational activities, and five to industrial production and provision of services.

The rest has to do with construction, passenger transportation, the craft production of utilitarian glass and metal objects, research, and business incubation consulting.

The Department of Economic Planning in the demarcation specified that these plans respond to the main lines of the Territorial Improvement Strategy and the different programs.

In the capital of Camagüey, territorial progress projects have as a source of financing the Local Development Fund created for this purpose and nine of them operate with their own capital.

By Rodolfo Medina Hechavarría/Radio Camagüey