From the fulfillment of the 63 measures for the development of agriculture, a daily average of 3,200 liters of milk is collected by two productive bases in the municipalities of Jimaguayú and Camagüey, but currently the prearranged plan is not being met

Camagüey, Cuba, Aug 10th.- With the elaboration of more than 120 tons of food per month, the Base Business Unit (UEB, Spanish Acronym) Lácteos La Vaquita, in Camagüey, complies with its production plans and is seeking to increase levels in the last quarter of present year.
Sandy Sánchez Nápoles, director of the aforementioned entity, informed the Cuban News Agency (ACN) that the processed cheese, destined for the school snack, is guaranteed by the state, various organizations approved by planning, as well as Commerce and Gastronomy, which also deliver to two units fluid milk for children from six months to six years of age.
He added that they produce natural and flavored yogurt, Frescal, Coral, Fresco Criollo, Mozzarela, Fundido Gouda and Santa María cheeses, the latter two, mainly intended for the tourism sector.
They have two points of sale called Almendros Lácteos, one at the industry’s own headquarters and the other at the Carlos J. Finlay University of Medical Sciences, where they sell to the workers selected by the union from Monday to Saturday, 200 modules containing a kilogram of processed cheese, two liters of natural yogurt and up to five liters of ice cream shake.
Idalia Vega Alfaro, head of the collection group in the entity, assured that after compliance with the 63 measures for the development of agriculture, 3,200 liters of milk are collected on a daily average by two production bases in the municipalities of Jimaguayú and Camagüey, but currently the prearranged plan is not being met, and at the end of July it only reached 83.7 percent (%) and in cheese 91.2%.
Darlin Machado Risco, main Quality specialist, commented that guaranteeing food safety is a fundamental daily task and the work team checks compliance with all cleaning and hygiene standards in the factory.
Efforts are being made, she said, that there are all chemical products and abundant water, even with the difficulties that have existed with the vital liquid due to the intense drought in this territory, and the workers strive to keep the areas clean, because the main objective is to achieve the quality of food.
For this reason, the disinfection systems established in the center are mandatory standards, and when there is a new admission, they are explained to them, in addition to the talks that are periodically offered in all areas, added Machado Risco.
The cheese master with 18 years of experience, Osmani Olivera Gutiérrez, appreciated the opportunity to work in a center like this, where commitment and dedication have always characterized him.
He stressed that they work very seriously because they know the responsibility they have when preparing those foods that children and the elderly consume.
Production remains active and participation in the Science and Technology Forums have had results at the provincial level due to innovations and knowledge, Olivera Gutiérrez pointed out.
29% of La Vaquita‘s workforce corresponds to women, committed to their work and willing to work in each area that is needed, with the aim of achieving greater production and maintaining the banner of a recognized center, nationally and internationally, for the quality of its assortments.