In the annual work summary, the link between education interest circles and careers related to agriculture and professional development was recognized

Camagüey, Cuba, February 10th.- The subsidiary of the Agricultural Engineering Research Institute (IAgric ) of the province of Camagüey carried out its annual work balance for the year 2023 with an objective look at the challenges and priorities based on scientific development.
At the event, the robustness of the research projects was emphasized, especially highlighting the institution’s Center Group, which has six designs with great territorial impact and strategic collaborations in technical services.
Engineer Pedro Guerrero Posada, director of IAgric in Camagüey, expressed that, despite the limitations and difficulties of the current context, work is being done on the formulation of new plans with an impact on economic and social life.
He also pointed out the main research in livestock farming, the use of irrigation water in food production, adaptation measures to climate change and the methodology to use agrometeorological services in agricultural companies in the province.
In the annual work summary, the link between the circles of interest in education with careers related to agriculture and the professional improvement recently achieved by specialists Bárbara Mola Fine and Dania Rodríguez Correa, both with the category of doctors in agricultural sciences, were recognized.
At the end of the meeting, Víctor Manuel Tejeda, general director of IAgric, congratulated the group for the progress in the different programs and urged them to increase research as the only way to contribute to the development of the territory and the country.
(Radio Cadena Agramonte)