In Camagüey popular representatives analyze prioritized issues


Other aspects of the most recent session of the Municipal Assembly of People’s Power of Camagüey resulted from the actions to advance the implementation of the Law on Food Sovereignty and Nutritional Education and the organization of several Permanent Work Commissions
In Camagüey popular representatives analyze prioritized issues

Camagüey, Cuba, January 18th.- Putting construction materials in the prioritized works, attention to people in vulnerable situations and economic planning is essential to improve the region’s housing fund.

The delegates of the Municipal Assembly of People’s Power of Camagüey agreed on these aspects when analyzing the Autonomy Program during the IX Ordinary Session of the body, the first of the current calendar.

Taking advantage of the potential of the territory is the most viable alternative today in the face of the lack of inputs such as steel and cement, hence clay derivatives must be promoted throughout the year for the manufacture of bricks and rasilla that are used for waterproofing roofs.

Dixamy Rodríguez Gómez, member of the Cuban Parliament and president of the Assembly in the capital of Camagüey, insisted on the importance of the issue to raise the quality of life of the population and ensure that resources reach their destination through popular control.

Another aspect discussed during the day was the Territorial and Urban Planning Program, focused on achieving a more inclusive, resilient, safe and prosperous city.

Delegate Santa Teresa Forestal asked that the delivery of land that is unused in the communities to people with possibilities to build be reviewed, while Dayana Figueredo commented on the need to disseminate more the strategies of the National Institute of Territorial Planning and Urban Planning (INOTU, Spanish Acronym) as it is a sensitive issue for the population.

Other aspects of the most recent session of the Municipal Assembly of People’s Power of Camagüey resulted from the actions to advance the implementation of the Law on Food Sovereignty and Nutritional Education and the organization of several Permanent Work Commissions.

Text and photo: Diosmel Galano Oliver/Radio Camagüey