Camagüey advances in the location of those unrelated to work


Regarding new economic actors, specifically in the different Local Development Projects, space was also given to a significant number of people
Camagüey advances in the location of those unrelated to work
Photo: Internet

Camagüey, Cuba, January 6th.- During the year 2023, the Directorate of Labor and Social Security, in this municipality, made progress in the implementation of the promotion and access to quality jobs.

Katia González García, director of the aforementioned organization in the capital of Camagüey, explained that during the calendar that concluded, more than four thousand places were managed.

365 unemployed workers were placed in different jobs in state entities and 247 in different communities were given idle lands in usufruct, as established by Decree Law 358.

Likewise, regarding new economic actors, specifically in the different Local Development Projects, space was also given to a significant number of people.

The purpose of the Directorate of Labor and Social Security in the princely city for this 2024 is to increasingly improve with respect to the objective related to the work placement of those disengaged.

By Rodolfo Medina Hechavarría/Radio Camagüey