Currently, Cayo Cruz has three hotel facilities and more than a thousand rooms, and an extensive investment process is being developed that takes advantage of the excellent natural conditions of a place of admirable beauty that has captured the attention of tour operators, travel agencies and company representatives. tourism in general

Camagüey, Cuba, October 26th.- Cayo Cruz, a tourist destination that is emerging north of Camagüey, shows a renewed image when there are just a few weeks left until the start of the high or winter season.
The actions that were carried out with the special motivation of the V Gaviota Destinations Tourist Exchange, held recently, had a positive impact on the conditions with which that area receives vacationers, thanks also to the priority granted by the authorities of the municipality of Esmeralda and provincial level.
Isabel González Cárdenas, representative of the Provincial Government of Popular Power for investments in Cayo Cruz, explained that more than 200 tasks were carried out that had a favorable impact on the enclave, related, for example, to the placement of promotional billboards, signage and elements identification.
Thanks to the integrated work of several organizations and companies in the territory of the province, the stage of greatest tourist influx is reached with transformations also in the roads and the exterior landscaping, although the work does not stop; and the opening of services such as those of the Casa de Cambio (CADECA, Spanish Acronym) stands out.
Currently, Cayo Cruz has three hotel facilities and more than a thousand rooms, and an extensive investment process is being developed that takes advantage of the excellent natural conditions of a place of admirable beauty that has captured the attention of tour operators, travel agencies and company representatives. tourists in general who attended one of the most important events in the leisure and entertainment industry in Cuba.
(Radio Cadena Agramonte)