Exhibition for enjoyment or suffering depending on how you look at it, an excellent way to celebrate life and creation, which continues this day with other actions regarding the 35th anniversary of the Fund in Camagüey

Camagüey, Cuba, October 20th.- In what constituted a kind of double gift, the personal exhibition Los confines de la fabulación, by the visual artist Joel Jover, was inaugurated at the Alejo Carpentier Gallery, in this half-millennial city.
With the chords of the Chamber Orchestra, those attending one of the actions that these days celebrate the 35 years of the local branch of the Cuban Fund for Cultural Assets were welcomed.
With 70 years of artistic life, the writer also said that the works are about appropriations of Las Meninas and Autorretraro de Gorguera in the manner of El Greco, so his character –El fabulador– takes on a more universal character on this occasion.
«I started painting when I was 17 years old and I don’t complain because people liked it, at 70 I arrived pleased and this exhibition is a pleasure because even though there is talk of limits, right now I see other horizons ahead, and for an artist that is always very good».
In the words to the catalog the intellectual Desiderio Borroto wrote “in many of his works there are textures achieved with the most adherent technique of material painting and the bad painting with the marked intention of moving away from the conventions of art that only aims to generate retinal rest”.
Exhibition for enjoyment or suffering depending on how you look at it, an excellent way to celebrate life and creation, which continues this day with other actions regarding the 35th anniversary of the Fund in Camagüey.
Text and photos: Diosmel Galano Oliver/Radio Camagüey