Felicia Romero, a social worker residing in the community, recognized the cooperation of the Municipal Commerce Company and the integration of administrative personnel to expedite work in the midst of the economic complexities that the country is experiencing

Camagüey, Cuba, October 11th.- In a historic day for Cubans, this October 10th, more than a thousand consumers benefited from a comfortable warehouse after the conclusion of the constructive actions in district 75 of the Puerto Príncipe-Guernica popular council, in the city of Camagüey.
Osmel Casay Cárdenas, director of the Commerce Base Business Unit in that district, among the main adaptations of the property were the change of the roof, the floor, a bathroom, the placement of marble on the counter and the manufacture of a bread basket with the objective of preserving the quality of the product that is sold to the population.
Laudelina Pérez Zayas, delegate of Popular Power in the constituency, added that as part of the follow-up to the concerns expressed, not only in the accountability processes, but also in the exchange called by the political leadership of the province sharing with the people, it was decided to improve the comfort of the Bodega La Claridad, with the participation of the local inhabitants.
Likewise, Felicia Romero, a social worker residing in the community, recognized the cooperation of the Municipal Commerce Company and the integration of administrative personnel to expedite work amid the economic complexities that the country is experiencing.
Roxana Rodríguez, a resident of 18th Street where the commercial unit is located, stated that despite the economic, commercial and financial blockade of the United States against Cuba, the government’s will to face adversities is ratified.
The repair of the bodega La Claridad, in district 75 of the Puerto Príncipe-Guernica popular council of the capital of Camagüey, covered more than two million pesos and provided a solution to a long-standing proposal of the voters.
(Radio Cadena Agramonte)