At the meeting it was confirmed that the Mincin works to ensure that the largest number of establishments dedicated to gastronomy, services and the sale of merchandise have the options to make payment by electronic means

Camagüey, Cuba, Sep 22nd.- To improve the quality of services to achieve greater customer satisfaction, urged the vice minister of the Ministry of Domestic Trade (Mincin, Spanish Acronym) Inalvis Smith Luben, in a meeting with workers in the sector in the territory agramontino.
The maintenance and painting actions of the establishments or being well uniformed are not enough, it is also essential to correctly serve users with friendly treatment and necessary information, because if the population does not have the perception that commerce is transforming, then we have not fulfilled with the goal, the board clarified this Thursday.
During the debate about the improvement of Local Subordination Retail Trade, the union’s advisor Arturo Vázquez Hernández expressed that they are currently evaluating the progress of the 82 actions planned in the present calendar, which includes energizing the ways to move forward in the objectives proposed in each territory.
This is a complex but necessary process, where several organizations are integrated and arose from the result of an in-depth evaluation that has as its background the exchange with professors from universities and workers from all over the country who offered their opinions and experiences, said Vázquez Hernández.
There are three fundamental objectives, he specified, such as raising the quality of the service, achieving the efficiency of the commercial operation to generate greater income to cover expenses and for labor groups to achieve greater economic gains through their own efforts.
He stressed that even though the improvement began in 2019, it has not been completed and there is a different economic context where new economic actors such as MSMEs interact, which allow other possibilities for productive chains.
Ismel Barrios González, deputy director of the Business Group of Commerce in this district, informed the Cuban News Agency that 16 companies are involved in this experience in Camagüey, of which 14 are in the municipalities and two are provincial, which are Recreación Santa Lucía and Gestión Inmobiliaria and Tourism.
The latter, at the end of the August accounting period, received a total of 16 million 823 thousand 500 pesos, for an overcompliance of 308 percent, a growth motivated by receiving the properties that were tendered for lease by all the municipal companies of commerce and gastronomy, added Barrios González.
At the meeting it was confirmed that the Mincin works to ensure that the largest number of establishments dedicated to gastronomy, services and the sale of merchandise have the options to make payment by electronic means in correspondence with the current demands of the Cuban nation.