Camagüey Art Instructors will exchange on the impact of cultural projects in communities


Camagüey, Cuba, 16 Sep.- To celebrate, soon, the XI edition of the National Workshop of Exchange of Experiences of the Brigades of Art Instructors José Martí (BJM) Camagüey will hold a scientific debate and the award of projects with social impact in communities.

The event will meet on 19 and 20 of this month at the Provincial Pedagogical School Nicolás Guillén Batista, where 25 papers will be analyzed from the branches of all the municipalities of the province.

Raiza Álvarez López, head of the overcoming section of that movement, said that the jury will award three awards and six mentions, who, also, may participate in the national event.

As a demonstration of the talent of the young artists from Camagüey, a cultural gala will be held with the students of that campus with the presence of guests from the Provincial Music Center.

The province of Agramontina currently has more than 700 art instructors, who in the different educational institutions motivate in the new generations the taste for dance, theatre, literature, music, plastic arts, among other artistic manifestations.

(Radio Cadena Agramonte)