The master of sciences Milagros Margarita Guerra Cruz, general secretary of the Health Workers Union in the province, commented that the day that has just begun is dedicated to the birth of Commander Manuel Piti Fajardo, and will end on January 15th with the celebrations for Cuban Science Day

Camagüey, Cuba, Nov 9th.- The Ana Betancourt de Mora Gynecobstetric University Hospital, in this city, hosted the provincial event that began the day of tribute to Cuban Public Health professionals.
The national secretariat of the Workers Union of that sector awarded the Manuel Piti Fajardo Distinction to 16 doctors with 20 and 25 years of service and a relevant and uninterrupted career, characterized by exemplary conduct, dedication, professionalism and ethics.
One of those recognized, Dr. María Leticia Acosta García, specialist in Hygiene and Epidemiology, confessed her pride because it is the result of all the effort in this wonderful work and at the same time it is an encouragement to her family who has done it and supported her.
Another of those honored, Dr. Oneida Moreno del Sol, specialist in Comprehensive General Medicine, expressed feeling honored with the challenge of continuing to perfect the work.
For her part, the master of sciences Milagros Margarita Guerra Cruz, general secretary of the Health Workers Union in the province, commented that the day that has just begun is dedicated to the birth of Commander Manuel Piti Fajardo, and will end on January 15th with the celebrations for Cuban Science Day.
She mentioned that the activities will be adapted to the characteristics of the different municipalities, with the objective of reaching all the prominent people and groups in the Camagüey territory, in addition to the medical brigades abroad.
The event was attended by Dr. Carlos Morán Giraldo, general director of Public Health in Camagüey, Yaimyr Victoria Basulto, head of the Ideological Department of the Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba, among other authorities and guests.
(Radio Cadena Agramonte)