Specialists from the Gender Chair came from the Alma Mater in Camagüey, who presented part of the work they carry out with various projects in the Agriculture sector

Camagüey, Cuba, Oct. 13th.- In the municipality of Camagüey, strategies persist to disseminate and implement the National Program for the Advancement of Women based on the sessions of the governing commission of the decree in the territory.
On this occasion, one of the main topics towards which the debate was oriented was the work of the Chair of the Elderly -of the Ignacio Agramonte Loynaz University- which today has about 135 elderly people who receive training in different areas of knowledge.
Ana María Ramos Monteagudo, university professor and president of the Chair, highlighted that the education program for seniors already has two decades of work in the territory and is also the result of a national practice in which the aging demographic scenario of Cuba.
In the work of the Chair of the Elderly, examples of convergence with the Program for the Advancement of Women are points such as the greater number of women who surpass themselves, the role of caregivers assumed by elderly people, and the violence to which many elderly women are exposed.
Another issue that triggered an in-depth dialogue was the role of the municipal radio station Radio Camagüey in covering the results of the commission’s work, which in the coming months must materialize the agreements assumed by all the organizations involved.
In addition, the link with the press media that has the spaces created within the programming must be strengthened to comply with the gender strategy and reach various audiences with educational messages related to all the aspects covered by the Program for the Advancement of Women.
Specialists from the Gender Chair also arrived from the Alma Mater of Camagüey, who presented part of the work they carry out with various projects in the Agriculture sector.
In addition, the community work of the educational center in communities with complex socioeconomic situations such as Nuevo Salomé, in the Ciudad de los Tinajones, was discussed.
The Municipal Commission of the Program for the Advancement of Women is moving towards the implementation of projects and concrete actions that allow valuing, educating and transforming realities and consciences, for the sake of a real change in the lives of women from Camagüey of all ages, and of all the members of the local families.
By Daylén Fenollar Alemán/Radio Camagüey