For the provincial capital, the distribution cycle is planned for this week, for which all personnel involved in the action have been trained to achieve the required assurance

Camagüey, Cuba, Jan 23rd.- In order to guarantee equity in access to medicines and prevent the same people from benefiting from the products sold every day, a new procedure will be implemented for sales in the country’s pharmacy network, a situation caused by the insufficient supply due to the shortage of raw materials for the production of the quantity of medicines demanded by the population.
Maurilis Acosta Nápoles, head of the Pharmaceutical Services Section of the General Directorate of Public Health in Camagüey, explained the process in the magazine Meridiano, broadcast by Radio Cadena Agramonte.
«The sale in community pharmacies is organized based on a schedule that is ordered by the medical offices, establishing priorities according to the type of medicine, patients in vulnerable situations and other aspects to be taken into account. The link with the Health Departments, the factors of the district and the popular council is important».
The local structures draw up the schedule where the offices that are responsible for purchasing each day are established, until all are covered. The period for the purchase varies between six and seven days depending on the number of offices that each pharmacy has. Once the operation with all the centers is concluded, the sale is restarted in the order of arrival.
From the entry of the medicines in each distribution cycle, the pharmacy administrator will inform the local authorities and medical personnel to start the sale as agreed and for people to come when it is their turn. The quantities to be sold per patient will correspond to the coverage received and to what is established according to the type of medicine.
This new sales model includes all medicines, but it is mainly aimed at controlled medicines, which requires updating the files of patients registered in each pharmaceutical unit. To do this, it is important that people who receive medicines through a card go to the corresponding unit with their identity card.
“This is the case of medical emergencies. Whether or not the person is from the clinic that is buying has the right to receive them, as long as there is availability, whether in a main pharmacy, a special area pharmacy or a community pharmacy”, said Acosta Nápoles.
It is a gradual process that depends on the level of distribution in the warehouses and that has already begun in several municipalities. For the provincial capital, the distribution cycle is planned for this week, for which all the personnel involved in the action have been trained to achieve the required assurance in terms of greater organization and satisfaction of the people.
(Citizen Portal)