Camagüey analyzes results of cultural work in 2024


At the Assembly, the municipalities with the best performance during the last period were recognized; also the institutions, centers and organizations that supported the work of the Culture sector
Camagüey analyzes results of cultural work in 2024

Camagüey, Cuba, Jan 21st.- In a year of complexities, the culture sector in the region achieved steps forward that must now be made sustainable to have greater results.

This was known at the Balance Assembly of the sector, where the need to improve aspects such as the commercialization of visual arts, payment for artistic work, increasing spaces and the exercise of criticism and the action of new generations of creators was discussed.

The attendees also spoke out in favor of promoting local heritage and culture in more interactive ways and with attractions for the public, and advancing the production of books in digital format given the technological and resource limitations that this area faces.

In addition, the training of Art Instructors and cultural promoters must be strengthened, as they are the ones who can have the greatest presence in the neighborhoods and communities, the main front that artistic and literary creation must reach.

Engaging mechanisms from science, creativity and innovation for the development of creative industries, looking for ways to make the activity more profitable and sustaining academic training were other criteria of the creators and workers of the sector.

In 2024, the province of Camagüey deserved for the third consecutive year the status of Outstanding in the emulation of the National Union of Cultural Workers, and the goal in the current calendar is to climb to the Vanguard position, said Leonardo Calderón Castro, leader of the union in Camagüey properties.
Results of cultural work in 2024 are analyzed in Camagüey

At the Balance Assembly, the municipalities with the best performance during the last period were recognized; also to the institutions, centers and organizations that supported the work of the cultural community in one of the regions with the greatest commitment to maintaining recreational and thought-provoking proposals in line with current times.

Text and photo: Diosmel Galano Oliver/Radio Camagüey