Vigía-Florat Popular Council consolidated its work in 2024


In the Vigía-Florat Popular Council, it is necessary to strengthen unity among all factors to solve some problems that still affect the community
Vigía-Florat Popular Council consolidated its work in 2024
Photo: Internet

Camagüey, Cuba, Jan 13th.- A greater link between all its constituency delegates allowed the Vigía-Florat Popular Council, of the capital of Camagüey, to consolidate its work during 2024.

The above was known during the accountability of that structure before the Municipal Assembly of People’s Power of Camagüey in its last ordinary session of the previous calendar, held recently.

In that demarcation, the main difficulties identified were micro-dumps, delays in the collection of solid waste, the poor condition of the roads, obstructions and leaks, among others.

With the help of government representatives at the grassroots level and the support of entities located in the region and the residents, many of these problems were solved with various alternatives.

Control actions were also organized, mainly regarding the provision of services, the production and marketing of food, the hygienic state and the Maternal and Child Care Program.

However, in the Vigía-Florat People’s Council, it is necessary to strengthen unity among all factors to resolve some problems that still affect the community.

By Rodolfo Medina Hechavarría/Radio Camagüey