Camagua Folk Dance unites the world through traditions


Today the couples dance competition continues in the Teatro Principal on its last night, but before that the invitation is to enjoy the Septeto Santiaguero from 7:00 pm in the plaza of the cultural coliseum of Camagüey
Camagua Folk Dance unites the world through traditions
Photo: Jeals Arturo Torres

Camagüey, Cuba, Dec 14th.- With traditional dances from Chile, the second night of competitions of the V International Camagua Folk Dance Festival, held at the Teatro Principal, began.

Then the dance couple from Slovenia used costumes, dance and music to present a simple love story; while the Costa Ricans exalted the marimba and the culture of rural areas of the nation.

Those attending the Teatro Principal also learned more about Poland, the work selected to compete for the public’s favor showed the aristocratic character of the Polish, rich in costumes and elegant dances typical of high society.

But in my opinion it was the duo from Panama with A Serum de Fiesta who managed to impress the audience the most by moving to the rhythm of the punto and the cumbia, two typical expressions of the Latin American nation.

On the national side, the dance couples from Granma, Camagüey, Holguín and Santiago de Cuba presented dance tributes to the traditions of the east of the Island, to Omara Portuondo, El Guayabero and Juan Formel and the Van Van.

The closing of the show was carried out by the Camagua Folkloric Company with the piece Congos trinitarios, the result of an arduous investigation and its subsequent interpretation for the stage, in which they defend music such as the macuta and the garabato.

Today the dance couples competition continues in the Teatro Principal on its last night, but before that the invitation is to enjoy the Septeto Santiaguero from 7:00 pm in the plaza of the cultural coliseum of Camagüey.

By Diosmel Galano Oliver/Radio Camagüey

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