The Commercial Company in the city of Camagüey also presents irregularities in the application of payment gateways, in addition to the fact that the extra cash process is slow

Camagüey, Cuba, Oct 29th.- The progress of the banking process and its implementation in units located in the historic center of the princely city was recently checked by the Government’s management in this municipality.
In the analyses, distortions were found in micro, small and medium-sized companies (MIPYMES), self-employed workers, local development projects and state points associated with the activity of sale and provision of services.
In visits made to these forms of management, it was found that not all of them apply the QR Code because they have not made the legal request for its use; however, they use an ETECSA logo under the appearance of providing that service.
It was also shown that of 56 of these representations, 12 have the code logo and of these, only three had the correct documentation necessary for the management of the referred instrument and another group did not prove their legal file.
For its part, the Commercial Company in the city of Camagüey also presents irregularities in the application of the payment gateways, in addition to the fact that the extra cash process is slow, which depends on the liquidity of the units.
By Rodolfo Medina Hechavarría/Radio Camagüey