Exchanges of this type will take place over the next few weeks in order to deepen knowledge of the Law, from the analysis of aspects such as organizational communication, advertising or its link with other regulations implemented as part of the legal system that the nation lives in

Camagüey, Cuba, Sep 11th.- Media communication, the relationship between the press and sources, and the obligations and duties of the different actors were discussed here as part of a day of preparation related to the regulations that come into force next month.
Promoted by the Union of Cuban Journalists and the Cuban Association of Social Communicators, it had the deputy Daicar Saladrigas González, director of the Adelante newspaper, was in charge of introducing attendees to the aspects of the Law related to the topic of the day.
Saladrigas González highlighted Article 21, paragraph F, which states that public officials must respond in a timely, transparent and truthful manner to professionals in the exercise of journalism; and Article 25 on the responsibilities of professionals linked to communication.
Regarding the responsibilities that come with the entry into force of the legal text, he said that there is an obligation to «report acts by persons or organizations that offer erroneous content, hinder access to information or limit access to their functions».
Also the duty to inform immediately, accurately, coherently and in accordance with the truth and to observe the standards of verification, contextualization and socialization.
She said that the Council of Ministers has already approved two regulations related to the Law on Social Communication, advertising and sponsorship that contribute to the implementation of the law, published on June 5 in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Cuba.
After years of searching for a document with this scope, Daicar Saladrigas commented, we are on the path to bringing the public and media agendas closer together in order to improve the practice of journalism and the relations between the media and information sources, among other aspects.
Exchanges of this type will take place over the next few weeks in order to deepen knowledge of the Law, from the analysis of aspects such as organizational communication, advertising or its link with other regulations implemented as part of the legal system in force in the nation.
By Diosmel Galano Oliver/Radio Camagüey