In the city of Principe there are almost 10 thousand adolescents who are dispensed, of which just over 50% use some contraceptive method and the rest are pregnant and without sexual relations

Camagüey, Cuba, Sep 7th.- In this municipality, efforts are being made to stimulate fertility in order to get as close as possible to population replacement in the immediate future.
The actions being taken in this regard in the capital of Agramonte aim to materialize one of the general objectives that structures the policy for addressing demographic dynamics.
The Public Health work system has planned several spaces to monitor fertilization, such as the municipal check-up of the Maternal and Child Program and at the district level in consultations at the polyclinics.
In the demarcation there are more than 73 thousand women of childbearing age registered, between 10 and 49 years old, of which about 19 thousand constitute a preconception reproductive risk.
In the city of Príncipe there are almost 10 thousand adolescents who are dispensed, of which just over 50% use some form of contraception and the rest are pregnant and not having sexual relations.
By Rodolfo Medina Hechavarría/Radio Camagüey