In the capital of Agramonte, the incorporation of women into employment and the change of matrix of some performances traditionally developed by men are being monitored

Camagüey, Cuba, Sep 3th.- The Municipal Administration Council of Camagüey discussed at its last meeting the behavior of the strategy for the National Program for the advancement of women in the territory.
Abel Vejarano Valdeolla, deputy mayor in charge of social programs, explained that the commission created in the district meets on the third Friday of each month to analyze various issues.
Among the issues addressed this year is the presentation of study plans, special courses, postgraduate courses, diplomas and master’s degrees to assess the intentionality given to the topic.
The presentation of the training plan for social workers and the evaluation of alternative methods for resolving labour and social conflicts from a gender perspective were also included.
In the capital of Agramonte, the incorporation of women into employment and the change in the matrix of some tasks traditionally carried out by men are being monitored.
By Rodolfo Medina Hechavarría/Radio Camagüey