Given the presence of arboviruses, health authorities of the municipality of Camagüey reinforce surveillance and control actions in popular councils of the Carlos J. Finlay health area of the Camagüey capital

Camagüey, Cuba, July 31th.- The prevalence of arboviruses associated with the presence of dengue and the possible confirmation of cases of Oropouche keep the health authorities in the province on alert, so in the health areas of the municipality of Camagüey reinforces epidemiological control and surveillance.
In the health area belonging to the Carlos J. Finlay polyclinic, in the capital of Camagüey, actions are directed from the health institution itself to the three Popular Councils that comprise that health area: Altagracia, which covers the rural area, and the urban areas Lenin-Albaisa and Puerto Principe-Guernica.
Yutsini Sayas Montenegro, director of the polyclinic, explained that the latter has the highest incidence in the transmission of arboviruses, such as dengue and the new virus known as Oropouche, due to the environmental conditions that favor the proliferation of the mosquito, transmitter of those diseases.
Dr. Deisy Boedo Montenegro, deputy director of Hygiene and Epidemiology in that health area, highlighted that, in addition to the actions carried out by the anti-vector campaign staff to confront arboviruses, educational actions are also reinforced with the purpose of increasing the risk perception and that in each home measures are taken to eradicate possible mosquito breeding sites and thus be able to cut transmission.
Given the presence of arboviruses, health authorities of the municipality of Camagüey reinforce surveillance and control tasks in popular councils of the Carlos J. Finlay health area of the capital of Camagüey, one of the largest in the territory with a population universe of more than 47 thousand population.
(Radio Cadena Agramonte)