Alerts in Camagüey due to epidemiological situation


Surveillance is maintained in the provincial capital, because although there is no transmission, the circulation of both viruses in the territory keeps the alarms active in its nine health areas, with the highest incidence in Tula Aguilera, Este and Finlay
Alerts in Camagüey due to epidemiological situation
Photo: Granma

Camagüey, Cuba, July 22th.- The complex epidemiological situation is due to the circulation of the dengue and Oropouche fever viruses in the province, with a high incidence of the transmitting agents in several municipalities.

Although the provincial and health authorities are working on control, there are warning signs that cannot be ignored, says Dr. Néstor Navarro Vega, deputy director of Epidemiology at the Provincial Center for Hygiene, Epidemiology and Microbiology.

“In relation to dengue there is a high rate of infestation and transmission in Santa Cruz del Sur; in Esmeralda that has managed to reduce its incidence rate, but still has high transmission in its health areas. In Florida there is a considerable circulation of the virus in the northern area, as well as in Minas, in its main towns and Senate, with an increase in febrile cases,» said the specialist.

At this time there are 79 suspected cases of Oropouche and 76 admitted, «which, as with the rest of the arboviruses, can be hospital or home». The municipalities with confirmed cases are Carlos Manuel de Céspedes, Florida, Camagüey, Minas and Vertientes.

«Everything is complicated by the impact of factors such as high temperatures that cause the Aedes aegypti cycle to shorten, also with the rains and the environmental situation, since as culex is known quinquefasciatus enters and leaves the home and can only be mitigated with environmental planning”.

There are several control actions carried out to stop the impact of these vectors. Among them, temporary groups stand out that operate with the participation of agencies, organizations and the Health system “daily in the municipalities with transmission and three times a week in the province.

In the health areas we develop technical meetings and environmental planning in conjunction with Acueducto and Communales.

The febrile blockade is carried out in the five homes around the detected case, not in the block or in the municipality. The priorities for fumigation are in the febrile blockages and the apples in transmission and at risk.

«We also carry out the fever screening with the collaboration of agencies and organizations and health hearings, which are carried out with the basic health team in cooperation with the Committees for the Defense of the Revolution and the Federation of Cuban Women».

Given the delicate epidemiological situation in several municipalities of the province, surveillance is maintained in the provincial capital, because although there is no transmission, the circulation of both viruses in the territory keeps the alarms active in its nine health areas, with the highest incidence in Tula. Aguilera, Este and Finlay.

(Radio Cadena Agramonte)