There are entities of the Princeña city that incur indiscipline by not delivering the financial information in the planned time such as livestock and commerce companies
Camagüey, Cuba, Jul 17th.- Although multiple actions were carried out, the default chain between state entities is a pending subject for the business and budgetary sector in this municipality.
In a report discussed by the Territory Administration Council at the first meeting of July, millionaire figures are registered in May.
The document presented by the Municipal Directorate of Finance and Prices indicates that of that volume much exceeds the maximum term established for its liquidation.
Among the local subordination groups with greater difficulties in the conciliation are the Unit of Culture, the Municipal Restaurant and Recreation Centers (EMure) and Collection Centers.
The brief also explains that there are entities of the Princeña city that incur indiscipline by not delivering the financial information in the planned time such as livestock and commerce companies.
By Rodolfo Medina Hechavarría/Radio Camagüey