The workers of the Organopónico Saratoga, from the City of Los Tinajones, ratified the commitment to work harder every day to provide the 36 tons of food planned for the current calendar

Camagüey, Cuba, June 20th.- Neither resource limitations nor the lack of electricity prevent the workers of the Organopónico Saratoga, in the capital of Camagüey, from fulfilling their productive commitments for the year.
Until the end of May, the group headed by engineer Oliverio Marino Vega Moya marketed around 15 tons of different fresh vegetables and condiments.
To reach that volume, the men and women who work there have made a great effort, first to build an artisan well and then to guarantee manual irrigation of water to the plantations.
Chard, beans, lettuce, carrots, beets, spinach and other varieties such as garlic, chives and turmeric are sold both to the population and to educational and public health centers.
The workers of the Organopónico Saratoga, from the City of Los Tinajones, ratified the commitment to work harder every day to provide the 36 tons of food planned for the current calendar.
By Rodolfo Medina Hechavarría/Radio Camagüey