All productive forms associated with Agriculture, state or private, as well as natural persons work in the management of these lines

Camagüey, Cuba, June 17th.- In the lines of work for the Agriculture export portfolio until 2025 is the promotion of twenty agricultural products and their derivatives.
Among the options, the classy mango, the red Spanish pineapple, the conventional avocado, the red Maradol bomb fruit, the Castilla melon, the habanero chili, among others, stand out.
In addition, organic citrus fruits, fruit pulp and processed fruits such as casabe, goat cheese, guava sticks and heavy cream.
Other products, of great value and usefulness in the market, are nutrivin, ferrical and bat guano.
All productive forms associated with Agriculture, whether state or private, as well as natural persons, work in the management of these lines.
The municipalities with the greatest involvement in these productions are Camagüey, Minas, Nuevitas and Sierra de Cubitas.
(Radio Cadena Agramonte)