Checking agricultural food production in Camagüey


The collection of milk presented arrears delivering more than one million 220 thousand liters, 82% of the expected
Checking agricultural food production in Camagüey
Photo: Adelante

Camagüey, Cuba, May 25th.- An exhaustive analysis of the behavior of the productive indicators of agriculture so far this year carried out the direction of the Government in the city of Tinajones.

Despite the limitations of resources, the spring campaign travels favorably so far when 1044 hectares, volume that represents two percent above the plan.

It was known that the contribution of vaccine meat over the month of May was affected by the fuel deficit to transfer the animals to the points of sale, achieving only 14% of the expected.

The collection of milk also presented arrears delivering more than one million 220 thousand liters, 82% of the expected; Incurring the prolonged drought, difficult access to the hauling areas and cool thermos breakage, among other causes.

By Rodolfo Medina Hahavarría/Radio Camagüey