Since the implementation of the PRODEGAN Livestock Development Project in Camagüey, there are already more than three thousand women linked to the program, with essential roles in food production and in the community’s work

Camagüey, Cuba, May 22th.- Topics related to gender equality, the insertion of women into social life and their contribution to productive processes were part of the exchange at the Evelio Rodríguez Credit and Services Cooperative (CCS), of the Camagüey municipality of Jimaguayú, and led by the Livestock Development Project (PRODEGAN).
The meeting had the purpose of publicizing the advances in gender awareness in rural communities of the territory, and was attended by Pavel Bolivar Ruiz, member of the National Committee of the Union of Young Communists (UJC), leaders of the organization youth in the Camagüey region and PRODEGAN coordinators in Camagüey, as well as representatives of productive bases from other territories such as Sibanicú and the provincial capital.
During the day, fruitful exchanges arose on the possibility of increasing the incorporation of women in the performance of boards of directors, their participation in training workshops where knowledge about women’s rights and equality in social and family.
Yunelkis Rivero Mayedo, president of the Gender Committee of the CCS Evelio Rodríguez, insisted on the need to break stereotypes that harm the social rights that Cuban women can enjoy today on equal terms with men.
The member of the National Committee of the UJC, Pavel Bolivar Ruiz, thanked the invitation to the event and highlighted the importance of the debates, an experience to transmit in different social sectors, with the commitment to bring it to the work of the youth organization and the objective of add more young people to the initiative.
Since the implementation of the PRODEGAN Livestock Development Project in Camagüey, there are already more than three thousand women linked to the program, with essential roles in food production and in the community’s work.
(Radio Cadena Agramonte)