Among the current tasks of this institution is to ensure the correct preparation of the cost sheets, so that the products sold by the entities reach the population in an affordable way, given the difficult situation that exists in the country with high prices

Camagüey, Cuba, May 6th.- As part of the work projections for 2024 drawn up by the Municipal Directorate of Finance and Prices of Camagüey, a new training stage is to be carried out for the personnel who prepare the cost sheets, both in the state sector as well as the private sector.
Like the preparation given to workers of state companies during the past year, this includes the new regulations that concern Finance and Prices based on the Ordering Task.
This training process is a product of the control actions carried out by the organization, which resulted in the lack of correspondence between what is established by Resolution 148, which regulates the methodology for the preparation of the cost and expense sheet, and the prices. that the population faces.
The sanctions for this infraction are the application of fines and separation from work, corrective measures that are applied based on the inspections carried out by specialists from the Directorate of Finance and Prices and the Directorate of Municipal Inspection of Camagüey.
2023 was a year where a high number of violations of cost sheets was recorded, therefore during the current calendar the entity implements new actions for greater control, reported the municipal director of Finance and Prices Adisleidys Videra Reyes
In line with the implementation of Resolution 148, the wholesale inspection plan is carried out for some entities, to corroborate compliance with the established parameters, reported Yodalis González Porro, head of the control department of the Municipal Directorate of Finance and Prices. in Camagüey.
Among the current tasks of this institution is to ensure the correct preparation of the cost sheets, so that the products sold by the entities reach the population in an affordable way, given the difficult situation that exists in the country with high prices.
By Daylén Fenollar Alemán/Radio Camagüey