The industrial production and commercial circulation remained below what was forecast in the period, which were in the order of 25 and 86 percent, respectively

Camagüey, Cuba, May 3th.- Several economic indicators had a satisfactory performance in this municipality at the close of the first quarter of this calendar.
Even in the midst of the complex existing situation, net sales during the stage amounted to more than 1,300 million pesos, a volume that represents 17 percent above what was planned.
Proceeding favorably achieves the gross added value and income, whose levels exceeded what was expected, according to the Economic Affairs Commission of the Assembly of People’s Power in the territory.
At the end of March, the capital of Camagüey achieved a surplus of more than 63 million pesos, a figure that exceeds what was projected by almost half.
The industrial production and commercial circulation remained below what was forecast in the period, which were in the order of 25 and 86 percent, respectively.
By Rodolfo Medina Hechavarría/Radio Camagüey