Accompanied by a cultural activity with clowns and a small performance by parents and children, the place was inaugurated, which between 8:00 in the morning and 4:00 in the afternoon will host innocence, smiles, excitement and happiness of girls and boys
Camagüey, Cuba, Dec 10th.- The first children’s house of the General Customs of the Republic of Cuba was inaugurated, in this city, at the headquarters of that organization in the province of Camagüey.
Under the name of the 60th anniversary of the Socialist Customs, the premises are organized to welcome more than a dozen children under the care of two assistants and an educator, an initiative to support the mothers of the institution and families in vulnerable situations of the Garrido-La Caridad Popular Council.
Martha Ochoa Martínez, provincial education methodologist for early childhood care, confirmed to the Cuban News Agency the quality in terms of the organization and structure of the initiative, as well as the rigor in terms of the preparation of customs managers for provide a high-quality educational service.
This year it is the twelfth house to open in the territory, and we are motivated by the fact that the Public Administration Workers Union is now integrated, whose training was excellent and today’s results demonstrated it, it is not for nothing that they have the honor. of being founders of this initiative in the nation, highlighted Ochoa Martínez.
Mileydi Sánchez Báez, head of Customs in Camagüey, pointed out the pride and commitment of the institution for being the first of its kind in the sector, and also recognized the support and full involvement of the Ministry of Education (Mined, Spanish Acronym), the Ministry of Health. Public (Minsap, Spanish Acronym) and the Federation of Cuban Women (FMC) in the province to materialize the initial idea.
We have the responsibility of serving as an example for future projects like this, therefore we prepare carefully with all the details, in addition to supporting eight of our workers who are currently on leave, the home will also serve to support families in the community, work that inspire us to be better, said Sánchez Báez.
Single mothers like Leanet Pérez Roble and Carla Mota Hernández, beneficiaries of the popular council, expressed their gratitude for the initiative, which will allow them to carry out their home and work tasks in a better way with the security that their little ones Yam Carlos and Daniela will be well cared for.
I am grateful, I currently work in the private sector and this was very complicated with the child, however now I can carry out my work calmly but the most important thing is that my baby will be well cared for and will have relationships with other children of his age, something fundamental in his stage of life, highlighted Mota Hernández.
Accompanied by a cultural activity with clowns and a small performance by parents and children, the place was inaugurated, which between 8:00 in the morning and 4:00 in the afternoon will host innocence, smiles, the excitement and happiness of girls and boys.