The research shows complete correspondence with social priorities in order to encourage government management based on science and innovation in the Camagüey territory
Camagüey, Cuba, Oct 3rd.- With a significant socioeconomic contribution and high impact in the health sector, four Cuban Academy of Sciences Awards were presented today in this city, out of the 102 scientific results approved in the country.
Yailé Caballero Mota, full member of said scientific institution, assured that these results are a source of pride and great commitment.
It is up to us, he said, the honorable mission of continuing the legacy of the most universal of Cuban scientists Carlos J. Finlay, we need to add more young people, more people united doing science to solve a specific problem of society and find answers to the current scenario crisis facing the world, he said.
For the Biomedical Sciences, the Implementation of the predictive model of the early recovery program in patients with effective colorectal surgery, at the María Curie Oncology Hospital, by the main authors Zaily Fuentes Díaz and Orlando Rodríguez Salazar, represented a technological innovation.
It is a pathology that has a higher incidence and high mortality in Cuba, and with this protocol, when more than 80 percent of it is fulfilled, the patient’s recovery improves, especially after the surgical procedure so that the hospital stay takes less time, pointed out Rodríguez Salazar.
He also indicated that the study favors medical care, promotes multidisciplinary care and encourages the appropriate use of technologies in healthcare centers.
Within Agricultural Sciences, the University of Camagüey Ignacio Agramonte Loynaz received recognition with the study Probiotics, an eco-friendly option in the larval culture of the shrimp P vannamei, by the authors Amílcar Arenal Cruz, Ramón Franco Rodríguez and Leonardo Martín.
The main contribution is economic, since the use of this medicine made from bacteria benefits the growth and immune system of the shrimp, avoiding the use of antibiotics, which saves considerable figures for the Cuban nation, Franco Rodríguez explained to the Cuban News Agency.
Currently, the protective effect has been validated by improving the quality of the larvae and resistance to diseases by increasing the activity of digestive enzymes, he added.
From the section of Social Sciences and Humanities, the Doctor of Sciences Kezia obtained the award Zabrina Henry Krigt with the socio-historical investigations of black and mestizo associations. Contribution to social development in the city of Camagüey (1879-1961).
The purpose of the presentation was to make visible the historical-cultural legacy of the African heritage present in the Cuban ethnos as part of cultural diversity and achieved its contribution to the Historical Memory subprogram due to its referential importance.
The Doctor of Sciences from the University of Camagüey Lourdes Gómez Consuegra won Santa María del Puerto del Príncipe. Documents from the 16th-17th centuries, where the founding date of the town was reaffirmed, found reference plans of primitive settlements and demonstrated that there was an established regular urban model of which there are traces.
At the meeting, the scholars were congratulated for their work and dedication and it was reaffirmed that the research shows total correspondence with social priorities in order to encourage government management based on science and innovation in the Camagüey territory.